Gardai investigate man's death in Dublin prison

Gardai are investigating the death in a Dublin prison of a man whose trial for murder collapsed earlier this year.

Gardai are investigating the death in a Dublin prison of a man whose trial for murder collapsed earlier this year.

The man, unofficially named as Declan Curran (24),  from Finglas in north Dublin, was found dead in his Cloverhill jail cell this morning.

He was on remand in connection with the robbery of the TSB Bank in Sutton Cross where €6,000 was taken last Thursday. An unarmed female garda tackled two men at the scene and one man was arrested.

A spokesman for the Irish Prisons' Service said the alarm was raised when two relatives with whom Curran was sharing a cell returned from mass to find him still in bed. A doctor was called and pronounced Curran dead shortly after 10.30 a.m.


The cause of the death is not yet known and a post mortem investigation is expected to be held later today.

In July of this year a nolle prosequiwas entered by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) at the Central Criminal Court on the third day of Curran's trial for the murder of Mr William O'Regan (33). Curran had pleaded not guilty.

A nolle prosequileaves the DPP at liberty to re-enter the charge at a later date.

This year two people have died from natural causes and four have committed suicide from the
9,000 people who have passed through the prison system.