Gardai question man after Dublin armed raid

Gardai are continuing to question a man tonight after an armed robbery in a packed Dublin shopping centre was foiled this morning…

Gardai are continuing to question a man tonight after an armed robbery in a packed Dublin shopping centre was foiled this morning.

Two armed and masked men made off with a large quantity of cash in the raid on an Argos branch at Liffey Valley shopping centre this morning.

The two men went into the shop at around 11:30 a.m. and stole a bag believed to contain €100,000. After their getaway motorbike failed to stary, they were spotted by a Garda car patrolling the area.

One of the men pointed a sawn-off shotgun at the gardaí telling them to "stay back". The robbers then hijacked a car from a lady driver and sped off, chased by gardaí.


The robbers abandoned the car in the Shancastle area of Clondalkin and then tried to run away.

Gardaí, assisted by the air support unit, searched the area and arrested a 20-year-old man. Gardaí also recovered the cash, a shotgun and the stolen car.

A high-powered motorbike was also recovered. Gardaí in Ronanstown are investigating.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times