Gardai reconstruct driver's last movements

Gardai in Galway staged a re construction of the last known movements of the murdered Galway taxi-driver, Ms Eileen Costello …

Gardai in Galway staged a re construction of the last known movements of the murdered Galway taxi-driver, Ms Eileen Costello O'Shaughnessy, for broadcast on next Monday's Crimeline programme on RTE television.

The reconstruction covers the time from when the 47-year old mother of two picked up a fare in the city centre at about 8 p.m. on Sunday, November 30th, to when her bloodstained car was found abandoned on the outskirts of the city four hours later. Filming was concentrated around Tinker's Lane, just off the Tuam Road, where her battered body was found the following day.

Supt Tony Finnerty said it was hoped the reconstruction might jog the memories of those who may have noticed strange activity in the vicinity of the Tuam Road on the night of the murder. "We are most anxious to build up a picture of everything that happened on that night between 8 p.m. and 1.30 a.m., that people who drove a vehicle through the lane or near there or were walking there might be able to help us." Gardai were also keen to locate a young man in his 20s, of average height and build, who was seen walking from where the taxi was abandoned. "We know from the people who have come forward that he was wearing green clothing on his upper body," Supt Finnerty said. Gardai were also hoping a number of youths seen around a shed close to where the car was abandoned would contact them. The Garda incident room can be contacted at (091) 564588.