Gardai under examination dismissed

Morris Tribunal: The Garda Commissioner has dismissed two gardaí whose actions are being examined by the tribunal, following…

Morris Tribunal: The Garda Commissioner has dismissed two gardaí whose actions are being examined by the tribunal, following a final appeal of an internal disciplinary hearing of An Garda Síochána, Garda sources have confirmed.

Raphoe gardaí John O'Dowd (46) and Pádraig Mulligan (45) were criticised in the opening statement of the current module of the tribunal, which is looking into the Garda investigation following the 1996 death of cattle dealer Mr Richie Barron.

Last year, the two admitted to tribunal investigators that they had been in a pub the night Mr Richie Barron died.

John O'Dowd was off-duty at the time. This information had to be "extracted" from O'Dowd and Pádraig Mulligan as a result of interviews conducted by tribunal investigator Brian Garvey of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, tribunal barrister Mr Peter Charleton SC said.


John O'Dowd, a native of Tubbercurry, Co Sligo, joined the Garda in 1979.

Pádraig Mulligan, from Manorhamilton, Co Leitrim, joined the force in 1978.

Both men served in stations in the Donegal division.

The two faced disciplinary proceedings for their failure to give an account of their movements.

In evidence to the tribunal last summer, John Mulligan said he did not involve himself in the investigation into Mr Barron's death because a relative of his was married to a cousin of the McBrearty family.

John O'Dowd, who has yet to give his evidence in this module, was the handler of Mr William Doherty, and informer and a central figure in the affair.

Meanwhile, Mr Brian Murphy BL, representing John O'Dowd at the tribunal, questioned Supt Joseph Shelly for the second day.