Gay men 'can be Catholic priests if celibate' -paper

The Vatican will allow gay men into the priesthood if they can show they have been celibate for at least three years, leading…

The Vatican will allow gay men into the priesthood if they can show they have been celibate for at least three years, leading Italian newspaper Corriere della Serareported today.

But it said the Vatican will ban men who "publicly manifest their homosexuality" or show an "overwhelming attraction" to homosexual culture "even if it is only intellectually".

The Vatican views on gay priests are contained in a secret 16-page document which is expected to be released next month.

The document, an "instruction" by the Vatican's Congregation for Catholic Education, covers one of the most sensitive issues in the Roman Catholic Church.


Officials at the Congregation for Catholic Education and the Vatican press office could not be reached for immediate comment.

The Corrierereport said: "Candidates who show a homosexual tendency will not be allowed into the priesthood unless they can demonstrate that they have been able to remain chaste for at least three years."

Media reports last month, primarily in the United States, said the document would bar all gay men from being ordained priests, even those who are celibate.

Those reports caused concerns in many quarters in the Church that many good men would be excluded by a total ban.

The Church teaches that homosexuality is not a sin but that homosexual acts are, and it expects all priests, whether homosexual or heterosexual, to remain celibate.

Corriereand the weekly Panoramamagazine both reported today that Pope Benedict had approved the document this summer.

Panoramasaid its release would be accompanied by a written explanation by "an internationally known psychologist".