Germany confirms Israel asks for Patriot missiles

The German Defence Ministry today confirmed a report that Israel had asked Berlin to provide it with Patriot missiles to help…

The German Defence Ministry today confirmed a report that Israel had asked Berlin to provide it with Patriot missiles to help defend it against any possible Iraqi strike in case of a US-led war on Baghdad.

The ministry confirmed the report due to appear in Die Welt newspaper tomorrow, saying in a statement that the request was being examined, but giving no further details.

The request puts Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder in a difficult position over his pledges not to get involved in any US-led war on Iraq, while Germany has a deep commitment to Israel's security as a result of its Holocaust past.

The US-built Patriots, designed to intercept and shoot down incoming ballistic missiles, failed to protect Israel against 39 Scuds fired by Iraq during the 1991 Gulf war. Israel has deployed its own Arrow anti-ballistic missile system, still untested in battle, after US President George W. Bush began threatening to use force to disarm Iraq. Baghdad denies it has any forbidden weapons.


US officials accused Mr Schroeder of stirring up anti-American sentiments with his anti-war rhetoric in the run-up to general election in September that he narrowly won.

Washington said last week it had asked US ambassadors to find out what its allies might contribute to a war against Iraq .