Germany to help Spain with immigrants

GERMANY: Germany will look for solutions to Spain's mounting problem with migrants when it takes over the presidency of the …

GERMANY: Germany will look for solutions to Spain's mounting problem with migrants when it takes over the presidency of the EU next year, Chancellor Angela Merkel said yesterday.

Speaking at a joint news conference with Spain's prime minister, José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, Ms Merkel said that the flood of illegal African migrants into Spain was a challenge for all of Europe.

"On this issue, we will see whether Europe can come together to deliver help," Ms Merkel said.

This year alone, more than 20,000 Africans have arrived on the Canary Islands, nearly five times the total for 2005.


Immigration is one of Spain's hottest political issues and a poll showed that 38 per cent of Spaniards saw it as the country's biggest problem.

Germany will hold the EU presidency during the first half of 2007.