Girl to be detained in residential centre

A 16-year-old girl considered to be out of control was ordered by the High Court yesterday to be detained in a high-support residential…

A 16-year-old girl considered to be out of control was ordered by the High Court yesterday to be detained in a high-support residential centre.

Mr John Rogers SC, for the health board, said the girl had been in care since 1985.

The girl had been with foster families until the relationship broke down. More recently she had shown signs of very unhappy behaviour, drinking excessively and attempting suicide, having taken a large dose - 72 tablets.

A psychiatrist had recommended the girl be admitted to a high-support residential centre. Mr Rogers said it was accepted this was an extreme measure.


All this had occurred because of a lacuna in the 1991 children's legislation which did not provide for the retention of young people out of control.

The parents were not in a position to look after the girl. She was currently in a B&B and that was entirely unsuitable. It was felt that unless she was supervised in a meaningful way she could run away and would not "be able to find her feet".

Mr Justice Cyril Kelly said he was satisfied the girl had a conduct disorder which was associated with alcohol abuse. He was informed a substantial number of tablets were taken on an occasion.

The girl had a deprived background with a litany of foster home failures. She was of an age where problems had arisen by virtue of the 1991 legislation which did not cover this particular type of situation.

He said that for the good of the child he would make a detention order and her parents should be told of child's whereabouts.