Govts urged to reduce emissions

Governments across Europe will be urged today to pass tougher legislation to reduce carbon emissions.

Governments across Europe will be urged today to pass tougher legislation to reduce carbon emissions.

Construction Industry Federation (CIF) president Hank Fogarty is due to call for greater energy efficiency in the building of houses and apartments.

Mr Fogarty is speaking at a Dublin conference organised by a European-wide representative body which is focusing on sustainability and energy efficiency.

Speakers include Finance Minister Brian Lenihan, Environment Minister John Gormley and leaders of Irish and European construction companies.


In his speech, Mr Fogarty said: “The focus on energy and energy usage due to the ongoing concerns regarding climate change and rising cost of oil provides a unique opportunity for the Irish government and indeed their partners in Europe to support policy aimed at greater energy efficiency in buildings.”

Last year the CIF called for capital allowances to encourage owners of buildings to improve their energy efficiency.

“Focusing on our stock of existing buildings represents the most efficient and cost effective way of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving our environment,” he added.

The CIF claimed that some 1.4 million houses in Ireland do not meet current building regulations and that some 840,000 were built before any regulations existed.

“Priority should be given to the retro-fitting these buildings to bring them to equal standard of newly-built homes, in terms of energy efficiency,” added Mr Fogarty.

The CIF president said Ireland must embrace renewable technologies to ensure that industry does not fall behind emerging nations such as China.

“The challenges that exist with regard to climate change also provide opportunities, if we are brave enough and innovative enough to embrace them,” he added.