Greens promise 10,000 houses a year

The Green Party has vowed to provide 10,000 social housing units per annum over the lifetime of the next government if it forms…

The Green Party has vowed to provide 10,000 social housing units per annum over the lifetime of the next government if it forms part of it.

The party also said it favoured the introduction of a "golden share" housing scheme. The scheme would allow funds raised by the selling of the State's interest in housing to be reinvested in future housing stock. Previously, such revenues went back into a central fund.

Speaking in Dublin today party housing spokesman Ciarán Cuffe said: "We will end the culture of development-led planning, which has left many communities without the basic amenities of schools, hospitals and access to public transport.

"We will ensure that building regulations replicate best practice across Europe and are enforced via a thorough system of inspections. And within five years we want to improve the energy efficiency of new homes by 60 per cent. This is absolutely vital if we are to meet our climate change commitments."


Greens energy and transport spokesman Eamon Ryan said the worst legacy of the Government was urban sprawl "they have permitted in the counties surrounding our major cities.

"This is trapping people and especially parents with young children into commuting patterns which are simply unsustainable.

"We are proposing the introduction of a new national transport and land use authority which will ensure that new housing is built in the right location, close to public transport routes," he said.

Patrick  Logue

Patrick Logue

Patrick Logue is Digital Editor of The Irish Times