Greens want ban on donations from business

Political parties should be funded entirely by the State and small personal donations, while contributions from business should…

Political parties should be funded entirely by the State and small personal donations, while contributions from business should be banned, the Green Party has recommended.

Launching a policy document seeking major political reform, the Greens said the number of TDs should be cut to 130 from the current 166, while some TDs should be elected from a party list.

The controversy involving donations in 1993 to Taoiseach Bertie Ahern highlights the need for changes, Green Party leader Trevor Sargent told journalists yesterday.

"Trust is central to democracy. Never before has trust in politics been so low among Irish people," he said, adding that the Green proposals would create "more effective, democratic politics".


Under the changes, if implemented, general elections would take place every five years and taoisigh would lose the right to set polling days, "a right frequently invoked for party political gain".

Political parties should be fully funded by the State, with the exception of small personal donations, while "corporate, institutional or foreign donations" should be forbidden, the document, Democratic Communities, declared.

The party recommends that instead of sitting in full session for just 90 days, the Dáil should sit from Monday afternoons to Friday lunchtimes for 45 weeks. Late-night sittings should be dropped.

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy is Ireland and Britain Editor with The Irish Times