Hamilton quits bombings inquiry for health reasons

The former chief justice, Mr Liam Hamilton, has resigned, due to health reasons, as the sole member of the independent commission…

The former chief justice, Mr Liam Hamilton, has resigned, due to health reasons, as the sole member of the independent commission of inquiry into the Dublin, Monaghan and Dundalk bombings.

In a statement yesterday the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, said Mr Hamilton had to take this decision "for health reasons necessitating immediate operative and post-operative treatment". It is expected the Cabinet will choose a replacement at its meeting this morning and that the decision will be announced later today.

Mr Ahern thanked Mr Hamilton for the "tremendous commitment, dedication and hard work which he brought to his inquiries". He conveyed his good wishes and the good wishes of the Government for his full and speedy recovery.

Mr Hamilton took up the appointment on January 31st, immediately following his retirement from the bench. According to a Government source, he had advanced his examinations into the bombings considerably and had expected to conclude his work within a few months. He had continued to work throughout the summer.


Mr Hamilton will be able to brief his successor and hand over documents relating to his inquiries. He met members of the Justice for the Forgotten group yesterday morning, and they were to inform the families of victims of the bombings of his resignation.