Harney voices support for stem cell regulations

The Tánaiste, Ms Harney, has hinted she will vote in favour of regulations and controls to fund stem-cell research when the European…

The Tánaiste, Ms Harney, has hinted she will vote in favour of regulations and controls to fund stem-cell research when the European Council of Ministers meets.

Speaking on the RTÉradio this morning Ms Harney said: "I still have to wait and see the final proposal of the Commission I also want to see what the European Parliament decides next week.

"But certainly if somebody says should Ireland vote for controls and regulations in this area I believe we should." the Tánaiste said.

"Ireland strongly believes it better to have this research carried out under a controlled regulatory environment than an alternative environment," she added.


According to Ms Harney, the embryonic stem-cell research is a "very tough" ethical issue and she admitted "like many people its a grey area in my head".

The Youth Defence group has decided to step up its campaign against the funding.

The group is calling on Ms Harney to vote against the funding and have, over the past three weeks, protested daily outside the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment.

In a statement it said they were "disappointed" that Ms Harney's colleagues remained silent on the issue of stem-cell research.

Youth Defence has also delivered leaflets and canvassed in the Tánaiste's constituency and today they threatened to escalate the campaign unless Ms Harney gives an indication that she will reject the programme.

Last week, in an historic meeting at Government buildings, the Catholic Bishops of Ireland met the Taoiseach to express their concern over stem-cell research.

The European Union's Council of Ministers will vote on the issue on November 27th.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times