Hauliers threaten to withhold taxes

Hauliers have warned that they may withdraw their services entirely in protest at the Government’s failure to address the impact…

Hauliers have warned that they may withdraw their services entirely in protest at the Government’s failure to address the impact of rising fuel costs on the road transport sector.

Members of the Irish Road Haulage Association are set to vote on a motion on the topic at their annual conference in Limerick this weekend.

They have also threatened to withhold VAT and PRSI payments until the Government responds to its call to introduce a fuel duty rebate.

The association says fuel costs are crippling haulage firms and have forced around 250 companies to cease trading last year.

They said fuel costs had risen by a third in the past 18 months, adding an extra €300 per week to the cost of operating a heavy goods vehicle.

"Our members can not absorb cost increases or taxes of this magnitude when business continues to evaporate," association president Vincent Caulfield said.

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll is an Assistant News Editor with The Irish Times