Head count: Ellis Island statistics

• Annie Moore from Co Cork was the first immigrant to disembark on the new Ellis Island receiving station on January 1st, 1892…

• Annie Moore from Co Cork was the first immigrant to disembark on the new Ellis Island receiving station on January 1st, 1892.

• Twelve million immigrants passed through Ellis Island from 1892 to 1954. April 17th, 1907 was the island's busiest day on record, with 11,745 immigrant arrivals.

• Some 250,000 immigrants were denied entry to the US. Some 3,500 immigrants died on Ellis Island. Some 350 babies were born there. Some 7,000 detainees (alien enemies, as well as those awaiting transfer between internment camps and those awaiting deportation, repatriation or expatriation) were held there during the second World War.

• President Lyndon Johnson declared Ellis Island part of the Statue of Liberty National Monument in 1965.


• More than two million people visit Ellis Island annually.