Health professionals to be forced to display their prices, says Tanaiste

Regulations requiring dentists, doctors and other health professionals to publicly display their prices are expected to be drafted…

Regulations requiring dentists, doctors and other health professionals to publicly display their prices are expected to be drafted by the autumn, the Tánaiste told the House.

"Making an order for a profession where the cost of a procedure may legitimately vary for objective reasons, for example, in dentistry, a crown on a front tooth may cost considerably less than one on a large back tooth, will require careful drafting," Ms Harney added.

"We are currently in a consultative process with the Office of the Attorney General." Ms Harney understood, she said, that many people were going to Budapest, Northern Ireland and Cape Town to get their teeth done.

"If that puts pressure and brings in more competition, that is great. However, we must inform people so that they have a chance to at least shop around and know what they might be expected to pay. Crowns vary in price from €150 to €700 and fillings vary from €60 to €200."


Mr Brendan Howlin (Labour, Wexford) said he thought there should be no delay on the issue.

"Is the Tánaiste aware that there is now a growing practice of dental tourism whereby people go abroad to have dental work done? Even in Northern Ireland, dental procedures, in some instances, are a fraction of the cost charged in the Republic." Ms Harney said her Department had consulted the dental association and the medical organisation, which was normal in such situations and a good thing.

"I agree with the Deputy that there is much dental tourism. In fact, on an Aer Lingus flight last week, I read an advertisement for Budapest which stated 'have a holiday and have your teeth done for one-third of the price'. I am not certain going to the dentist is compatible with a holiday. An Irish mobile phone number was given."

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times