50 people hit by salmonella outbreak linked to Dublin pub

Catering facilities at a bar in Portmarnock are served with a closure order

O’Dwyers Bar and Grill pub closed its kitchen and food facilities due to an ‘unforeseen health scare’. Image: Google Street view

More than 50 people, including four children, have been affected by a salmonella outbreak after eating food prepared in a pub in Portmarnock in north Dublin earlier this month.

The Health Service Executive confirmed it was investigating the food poisoning, which it said on Monday had affected separate family parties who ate food prepared in the premises that was then delivered to their homes.

Sixteen people have been confirmed as having contracted salmonella and five people were hospitalised.

It said it was liaising with the Food Safety Authority of Ireland. An outbreak control team had been formed and an investigation was ongoing.


The FSAI confirmed last week that a closure order had been issued on Flanreil Food Services Ltd on May 19th in relation to the kitchens of O'Dwyer's Bar & Grill in Portmarnock, Co Dublin, as part of an investigation into a salmonella outbreak.

The HSE said the first cases of food poisoning were notified to it on Thursday, May 18th.

It said it had identified a north Dublin food business as the common link in this outbreak and that the investigation was focused on this business.

“The investigation is ongoing and includes further examination of the food business operation and food served and assessment of the information from ill and well persons who consumed food,” the HSE said in a statement.

Members of the public should contact their GP if they have any concerns regarding their health, it added.

“People who think they may be ill as a result of this outbreak may also contact the HSE’s environmental health service or Department of Public Health in Dublin to assist in the investigation of this outbreak.”

O’Dwyer’s Bar and Grill confirmed on social media on May 20th it was closing its kitchen and food facilities due to an “unforeseen health scare”.

It said staff were working hard to ensure the kitchen is fit for purpose again.

“Our sincere apologies to all those who have been inconvenienced by our sudden closure, but the health and safety of our customers must be and is our priority,” the pub said.

The closure order is a partial closure order that relates only to the kitchen and food storage facilities.

The pub could not immediately be contacted for comment on Monday evening.