Book urges special group to target binge drinking

Youth drinking A governmental or inter-governmental group dedicated to coordinating possible solutions to binge drinking among…

Youth drinkingA governmental or inter-governmental group dedicated to coordinating possible solutions to binge drinking among young people should be set up, according to the editors of a new book Binge Drinking & Youth Culture, Alternative Perspectives.

The book is published following a seminar last year at the Royal Irish Academy.

Despite holding views contrary to the drinks and advertising industries, the editors, Prof Malcolm MacLachlan and researcher Caroline Smyth of Trinity College, Dublin, believe "debate on the issue of binge drinking can only meaningfully take place between people with opposing views".

The editors say a binge is "planned, coordinated and keenly anticipated" but to define it as "drinking the equivalent of a certain number of units of alcohol in a given time is problematic". Some will feel any arbitrary figure is an understatement while others will feel it's an overstatement.


However, Prof Adrian Furnham of University College London states that when students were asked what they thought characterised binge drinking, they suggested six drinks in a row for men and five for women. Interestingly, students' estimates of binge behaviour changed alongside their own drinking levels.

"The issue most people are rightly concerned about, other than health and possible addictions, is that binge drinking is associated with accidents and irresponsible sexual practices, particularly in young people."

So why is it happening? Prof Furnham cites a long list of possible causal factors including adolescent brain chemistry, age when regular drinking began, age when first time drunk, alcohol outlet density, beliefs about average drinking, educational attainment, employment status of consumer/parents. Less enjoyment in leisure (substance-free-activities), parents willing to supply alcohol, party attendance, personality factors and religion also play a part.

Binge drinking and Youth Culture is published by the Liffey Press and costs €16.95.