Cost of GP visit varies from €30 to €65 across State

Survey of 650 clinics shows Dublin, Wicklow, Kildare most costly with Leitrim and Meath least

A survey of 650 GP clinics has shown the cost of a visit varies from €30 to €65 across the State.

The price of attending a GP varies hugely across the country, with consultations in some clinics costing more than twice what others charge.

A survey found the cheapest consultation was in Portumna, Co Galway, where patients can pay €30 to see a GP. The most expensive consultation was in Dublin, at €65.

The average price for an appointment with a family doctor was just under €50, according to the survey of 650 clinics by

Co Leitrim, where the average cost of a consultation was just under €40, emerged as the cheapest county in which to see a doctor. Co Meath was second, with the average cost also under €40.


In contrast, it cost an average of €53 to see a GP in Dublin, the most expensive county.

Costs in Co Wicklow and Co Kildare were next highest, at more than €52.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.