Covid-19: Varadkar downplays expectation of accelerated lifting of restrictions

‘I think it is better to adopt this slow and steady approach than to go too fast and risk falling backwards’, he told FG members

“I am concerned that many are calling for us to speed up before we even know for sure what impact the Phase One lifting of restrictions has had on the spread of the disease,” the Taoiseach Leo Varadkar told Fine Gael members in an email about Covid-19.

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has downplayed expectations of an imminent acceleration of the Government's roadmap to lift coronavirus restrictions.

However, Mr Varadkar, in an email to Fine Gael members on Wednesday night, said he is "confident" the country can progress to the second phase of the plan next Monday.

The Cabinet is expected to make such a decision on Friday on the recommendation of the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET).

“We are now nearing the end of Phase One of our plan to re-open business and society,” the email said.


“Cabinet will meet on Friday to decide whether it is safe to move to Phase Two. I am confident that it will be. As I have always said, our plan to re-open the country can be accelerated if it safe to do so.

“But, I want to be confident that it is safe before making that move. I am concerned that many are calling for us to speed up before we even know for sure what impact the Phase One lifting of restrictions has had on the spread of the disease. I think it is better to adopt this slow and steady approach than to go too fast and risk falling backwards.”

The 5 kilometre travel restriction is due to be replaed by a 20 kilometre travel restriction next Monday, June 8th.

This is due to apply until July 20th, when people would then be allowed travel outside their region. There have been suggestions that allowing people to travel outside their region could be brought forward to June 29th to boost the domestic tourism industry, and that this change could be flagged this week.

However, a well placed source said it was now not clear if the Government will “get into that”.