Doctor accused of leaving post without telling anyone, inquiry hears

Junior medic ‘abandoned’ patient at St James’s after feeling unwell, Medical Council hearing told

The Medical Council has begun hearing a disciplinary inquiry into a junior doctor at St James’s Hospital who is alleged to have left her post without telling colleagues. Photograph: David Sleator/The Irish Times

The Medical Council has begun hearing a disciplinary inquiry into a junior doctor at St James's Hospital who is alleged to have left her post without telling colleagues.

Dr Ogechi Chuku faces three allegations of professional misconduct after a consultant at the hospital complained about her behaviour.

Dr Chuku, a locum senior house officer, is also alleged to have failed to provide clinical handover notes for patients and to have failed to reply to calls from Dr Una Kennedy, an emergency medicine consultant in St James's, on November 23rd, 2014

She left the hospital’s emergency department after telling staff she felt “nauseated” and writing “doctor unwell” on the patient’s notes, the inquiry heard.


Dr Chuku denies the allegation and has claimed Dr Kennedy harboured a grudge against her.

Mr Donogh Hardiman, barrister for the Medical Council, said Dr Chuku was asked to review a patient on the morning of the incident. She was approached by a nurse inquiring about the management plan or the patient. Dr Chuku said she was feeling "nauseated" and walked away. She abandoned the department without telling anyone, leaving the patient's notes on a chair after writing "doctor unwell" on them, he said.

The notes were later discovered by security staff, Mr Hardiman said.

Dr Kennedy, in her complaint to the council, said staff were concerned for Dr Chuku’s wellbeing and she attempted to contact her several times, but without success. She described Dr Chuku’s behaviour as “highly unprofessional”.

Dr Chuku, in communications read out by Mr Hardiman, said she began to feel ill when reviewing her patients. She was new to Ireland and it was not an easy period for her.

Staff did nott comprehend her when she said she was ill or they ignored her and continued to talk about the patient. She left the premises and writing the note on the patient’s record.

Her phone was on silent and she did not use voicemail, she said.

Dr Chuku, who is in the United States, is communicating with the inquiry by Skype.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.