Doctor’s story of Roy Keane ‘Christmas miracle’ goes viral

Dr Niamh Ni Loinsigh said she felt ‘people need to hear something nice’ amid the Covid gloom

Roy Keane’s visit gave child the ‘boost and the energy to just keep going a little more’. Photograph: Chris Brunskill/Fantasista/Getty Images

A doctor has spoken of a “Christmas miracle” which occurred 20 years ago this month when former assistant manager for the Republic of Ireland, Roy Keane, gave a seriously-ill child in hospital the “boost and the energy to just keep going a little more”.

Dr Niamh Ni Loinsigh posted an appreciation video on her social media accounts where she described the heart warming exchange between Keane and the youngster.

She debated about whether to make the post but ultimately felt that “people need to hear something nice” in a time of much gloom in the country arising out of increased Covid cases.

Dr Ni Loinisgh issued a “trigger warning” before she told the story as she was discussing early childhood illness. She jokingly added that Keane may also also be a “trigger” for some people.


Dr Ni Loinsigh admitted that the closest thing she ever witnessed to a Christmas miracle was “facilitated” by the former Republic of Ireland and Manchester United player.

Two decades ago, she and her hospital colleagues were caring for a very sick child.

“It came to a point where we weren’t really sure if they were going to make it. And unannounced and without any fanfare Roy Keane came to visit the children’s ward. And he gave the child that child the boost and the energy they needed to just keep going a little bit more I think.”

A few weeks later, Dr Ni Lionsigh recalled receiving a phone call from the hospital’s professor of paediatrics. It was Christmas Eve and when she heard the professor in tears at the end of line she feared the worst.

“But, no, he said that this child was completely better and was going home. So thanks Roy.”

A native of Mayfield in Cork city, Keane is known for his caustic wit and dry punditry but charities in Cork say he is an exceptionally generous with his time. He is a long-time ambassador for the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind, and also a strong supporter of the Penny Dinners soup kitchen on Little Hanover Street.

Caitriona Twomey of Penny Dinners says that Keane is “very kind hearted” and “has time for everyone.”

She stresses the pandemic has been particularly tough on the homeless.

“With the lockdown people had to walk around an empty city all day long and fall asleep in the freezing cold as well,” she says.

“We have to keep positive and things rolling out because if they [service users] see us worried or fearful they become worried and fearful.”

Donations to the charity can be made at

As for the Christmas “miracle”, Dr Ni Lionsigh said she was taken aback by the response to her video. In a follow-up post on Twitter, she said: “I’m a bit nervous now, because Roy Keane finds out about it he’ll probably be annoyed.”