Genetic testing: fact file

• It is only possible to have a test for BRCA1 if you have a strong family history of breast cancer

• It is only possible to have a test for BRCA1 if you have a strong family history of breast cancer. Most people also need to have a living relative with breast cancer.

• To get a genetic test, first you need to get a referral to a specialist breast clinic. If they think you probably do have a high risk of breast cancer because of family history, then they will refer you on to a specialist genetics service.

• Testing for breast cancer genes is most often done on a blood sample. The specific genes known to be associated with breast cancer are separated from the rest of the DNA. Then they are scanned for abnormalities.

• If you do prove positive, you need to take advice on your options.


• Prophylactic surgery is only one option; many women choose to have yearly MRI breast scans and regular ovarian cancer screening.

• You will also need to think about who you tell within your family circle as other relatives may also need to go for genetic testing.