HSE urges people in at-risk groups to get flu jab

At risk groups need to be vaccinated again this year as virus strains in the vaccine have changed

File photograph of a nurse preparing to give a patient a shot from a hypodermic needle, as pregnant women are among those being urged to get the flu vaccine. Photograph: David Cheskin/PA Wire

The Health Service Executive has urged people in at-risk groups to get vaccinated against the flu.

Those in the at-risk groups include everyone aged 65 and over; residents of nursing homes and other long stay facilities; pregnant women and anyone over six months of age with a long term illness requiring regular medical follow-up such as chronic lung disease, chronic heart disease, diabetes or those with lower immunity due to disease or treatment.

This year’s seasonal flu vaccine protects against the three common flu virus strains expected to be circulating this year based on advice from the World Health Organisation.

The HSE said it is important for all those in the at risk groups to be vaccinated again this year as the virus strains in the vaccine have changed since last year.


The flu jab is available from GPs or pharmacists but anyone under 18 should attend their GP to get the jab.

The vaccine and consultation are free for those with a Medical Card or GP Visit Card.

Those without a medical card or GP visit card will be charged a consultation fee.

Head of the HSE's National Immunisation Office, Dr Brenda Corcoran said

the flu vaccine reduces infection and associated illness and hospitalisation.

“The flu vaccine cannot give you the flu as it does not contain any live flu virus and all those at risk should get vaccinated as soon as possible this year to make sure that they are protected,” she said.

“The symptoms of flu usually develop over a matter of a few hours and include a high temperature, sore muscles, dry cough, headache and sore throat. Flu is different from the common cold, which tends to come on more gradually and usually includes a runny nose and a normal temperature.”

She added that flu is spread by coughing and sneezing so people should cover their nose and mouth with a tissue, disposing of the tissue as soon as possible and washing their hands with soap and water as soon as possible to help prevent it spreading.

Dr Corcoran advised anyone with the flu to stay at home, rest, drink plenty of fluids and use over-the-counter flu remedies to ease symptoms.

More details and advice can be found at the HSE's dedicated immunisation website on immunisation.ie