A round up of today's other stories in brief...
Cancer survivors to support others
The Irish Cancer Society is seeking cancer survivors to help provide a peer-to-peer support system. The volunteers would be providing important emotional support for those facing the uncertainties of the disease. For information, telephone Deirdre Murphy on 01-231 0564 or e-mail: dmurphy@irishcancer.ie
Mostly affluent buy organic
Older and more affluent women are more likely to buy organic, according to a study conducted at the University of Ulster. Consumer studies graduate Sarah Black looked at organic food purchases by women.
She found that the motivation to buy organic included health, perceptions of better flavour and a concern for the environment. The chief barrier to purchase was cost, resulting in older, more affluent consumers.
Vaccine for child pneumonia
Scientists have developed what they believe is a vaccine against a bacteria that is the most common cause of pneumonia in children. Drug-resistant forms of the bacterium have emerged, but existing adult vaccines are less effective in children. Details of the research are published today in the US Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Self-hypnosis as pain relief
A pensioner in Britain underwent surgery yesterday using self hypnosis for pain relief. Bernadine Coady, 67, underwent a one-hour knee operation at the private Orthopaedics and Spine Specialist Hospital in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire. The procedure was performed by surgeon Ahmed Shair in the hope of curing her knee pain, a hospital spokeswoman said. - (PA)