Measles case under investigation by the HSE

Infected person was in a number of public places in the run-up to the May Bank Holiday

A measles vaccination kit. A confirmed case of measles in a person who has recently been in Dublin and Co Kerry is being investigated, the HSE has confirmed. File photograph: Owen Humphreys/PA Wire

A confirmed case of measles in a person who has recently been in Dublin and Co Kerry is being investigated, the Health Service Executive (HSE) has confirmed.

The person diagnosed with the disease was in a number of public settings in the two counties in the week leading up to the May Bank Holiday, the HSE said.

All known people with whom the person came into contact have been notified and advised by public health doctors of the risk they face, it said.

“The HSE are continuing to identify those who may have been exposed to prevent further transmission and ensure people are aware of the risk.”


However, the HSE said it is not possible to identify all those who may have been exposed to the disease.

Those at risk include anyone who has not had measles in the past or who has not been fully vaccinated with two doses of the MMR vaccine.

HSE consultant in public health Dr Kevin Kelleher said most people had nothing to worry about as the majority of the population is fully vaccinated.

"We are being very cautious in this instance because measles is potentially a serious condition. We are currently very close to eliminating measles here in Ireland. "

Measles is highly infectious and is spread easily. There is a high chance that individuals who have not been fully vaccinated will develop measles if they are exposed to the disease.

In most years, there are just a handful of measles cases in Ireland; so far in 2016 there have been two.


Dr Kelleher said anyone with signs or symptoms suggestive of measles should stay at home, not go to school or work and phone their GP.

Symptoms of measles usually appear about 10 days after exposure. They include irritability, a runny nose, conjunctivitis, a hacking cough and a fever that comes and goes.

These symptoms usually last two to four days, and can be mistaken for a cold.

A measles rash usually appears about four days after the early symptoms. It typically starts on the forehead and spreads downwards, over the face, neck and body.

The rash consists of flat red or brown blotches, which can flow into each other. It lasts about four to seven days.

Symptoms may also include diarrhoea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.