My Kind of Exercise

Comedienne Tara Flynn tells Patricia Weston fitness is no joke.

Comedienne Tara Flynn tells Patricia Weston fitness is no joke.

Do you exercise? I've been a regular exerciser for the last ten years or so. Before that I was a total slob.

Are you a member of a gym? I used to be a real gym bunny but I ended up boring myself. I find running outdoors is much better craic.

Have you tried any new exercise activities? In the last two years I've taken up Ashtanga yoga and I think there really is nothing like it. I've done everything from spinning to swimming, but I've never been this strong or calm and that's down to the yoga.


Are there any classes you'd like to try? I'd love to give one of those full-on boot camps a go. Nothing like a sweaty challenge to get me going, or boxing I've always fancied punching things.

Do you eat healthily? I gave up alcohol, sugar and white flour a couple of weeks ago because my blood sugar was all over the place and I was exhausted. But that's a temporary thing - now I'm feeling better it's back to living on sandwiches and the alcohol will be back too.

What foods do you love? I used to be a veggie so I love fruit and vegetables. I love hummus and I'm one of the few people I know who craves cottage cheese. Now that I eat meat every now and again I fantasize about prawns or a big, juicy steak with mushrooms.

Any unhealthy habits? Not sleeping enough is a biggie - I feel I'm missing something if I'm not awake and I have to admit I love beer, wine and cocktails.

Are you conscious of your appearance on TV? Oh definitely. I try not to watch stuff back but sometimes it's like a car crash and my eye gets drawn to the screen. I need at least an hour in make-up and I've decided to try to convince all concerned that an extra half hour couldn't hurt.

Tara is currently starring in RTÉ 2's new sketch show Stew every Monday at 9.30pm.

Patricia Weston notes: Ashtanga is a more active form of the commonly practised Hatha yoga.According to yoga instructor David Collins "Ashtanga yoga is a dynamic, flowing practice where each movement is co-ordinated with deep rhythmic breathing."

For more information on Ashtanga yoga visit: