My Kind of Exercise

Flavio Oliver, counter tenor, tells Patricia Weston that he does not need exercise equipment to develop the muscles in his body…

Flavio Oliver, counter tenor, tells Patricia Weston that he does not need exercise equipment to develop the muscles in his body

Do you exercise?

Yes, everyday.

What's your exercise routine?


My job keeps me active and very fit and I have a daily routine which I practice called Perfect Shape. It's a dynamic system of movements designed to harmoniously develop the muscles of the body without using any equipment but using the body as resistance. It's a method that exercises the body as well as the mind and spirit.

Were you active growing up?

I was an acrobat in my family's circus in Italy when I was 10 years old up to the age of 12. Then I went on to study contemporary dance, ballet and Afro-Cuban dance. I was a professional dancer up to the age of 21, before returning to music.

Are there any other activities you'd like to try?

I love to practice adventure sports, whenever I have free time, and I'd really like to try gliding.

Do you follow a balanced diet?

Because of my work schedule I have to travel a lot and it's not easy to have a special diet. I follow the advice of Perfect Shape's inventor, Caterina Germani, because this method also includes food and relaxation advice.

What foods do you love?

I don't have preferences. I adapt myself to my circumstances. Because I have to eat in a lot of restaurants, I love then to buy and cook for myself at home.

Is there anything about your body you'd change?

No, I am quite happy with it.

What's your attitude to exercise?

I try to have a responsible attitude with my body, and because of that physical training is very important for me.

Patricia Weston recommends:

Dancers and acrobats have lithe and supple muscles. Try this short stretching regime twice a day to keep your body flexible.

Before you begin make sure your muscles are warm, so take a walk or cycle on an exercise bike for 15 minutes.

Hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds and do not bounce.

Begin in a standing position with your arms stretched up over your head then gently bend the body forward, tucking your head in and letting your hands fall towards your feet. Each time you bend, stretch your hands further towards the floor and hold. And each time you stand, stretch your arms further towards the sky. Repeat 2-4 times.

On the final bend crawl onto the floor on your stomach and lean on your elbows. Keeping your elbows close to your body stretch your torso, head and shoulders back.

Opera Ireland's Winter Season brings two operas to the Gaiety: Verdi's Rigoletto and Gluck's Orfeo ed Euriduce (in which Flavio plays the lead). Both operas are sung in Italian with English subtitles and run from November 20th- 28th.