My Kind of Exercise

Peter Devlin, bass guitarist with The Devlins, tells Patricia Weston he is aiming for Rolling Stones-like record sales so he …

Peter Devlin, bass guitarist with The Devlins, tells Patricia Weston he is aiming for Rolling Stones-like record sales so he can hire a personal trainer

Do you take regular exercise? Yes. I'm very forgetful, so I spend all morning running up and down four flights of stairs to the office and bedroom. I also play five-a-side football once a week but I wouldn't consider myself fit.

Is your job active or sedentary? Most of my time spent in the studio is either sitting at a mixing desk or standing by the kettle.

Do you worry about your appearance? No. My wife does that for me.


Is there anything about your body you'd like to change? I'd love Guggi's hair.

Would you ever consider cosmetic surgery? No, but I'm going to get corrective eye laser surgery, that's not really cosmetic is it?

Do you eat a balanced diet? Yes. I have a reasonably healthy breakfast of fruit, cereal and coffee, a sandwich at lunch and then fresh fish and veg with too much red wine for dinner.

How do you like to de-stress? I walk the pier in Dún Laoghaire, spend a half an hour in the National Gallery if I'm in town or go for a pint in my local.

What's your attitude towards exercise? You have to be really disciplined and it helps to have a routine in work and at home to be able to exercise regularly.

I have neither, so I'm not as fit as I should be. But when we start achieving Rolling Stones-like record sales, I look forward to having a personal trainer just like Mick.

Patricia Weston recommends: Here's a convenient workout you can do at home or at work, all you need is a staircase.

• Warm up by walking at a reasonable pace up and down the stairs for up to seven minutes.

• Place yourself on the bottom step and, starting with the right leg, step for eight counts, stepping on the ball of your foot and keeping your legs close together.

• Bring in your arms to tone up the bicep muscles by stepping again for eight counts and alternating with bicep curls.

• Starting with the right leg do a V-step by taking a wide step with the right and left leg then return to the floor with your feet close together. Do this for eight counts raising your arms out to the sides at the same time.

• Turn your body to the side and stand on the floor. Step up with your right leg and kick with the left, repeat this sequence for eight kicks swinging your arms to the sides and repeat on the opposite side.

• Tighten up the muscles in your bum by adopting the same position but kicking back instead of forward, repeat for eight counts on each side.

• Facing forward, place your right leg on the step and lunge the left leg on the floor, keeping your hands on your hips. Repeat eight times on each leg.

• Repeat this whole combination of step moves from the beginning at least three times for a 30-minute fat burning, muscle toning workout.

• Cool down by marching on the spot for five minutes and stretch out all the major muscles.

Patricia Weston is an NCEHS fitness instructor, personal trainer and Pilates teacher.

• Consult a physician or qualified healthcare provider before embarking on any exercise regime and stop exercising if you feel nauseous or dizzy.