On the Couch

Niamh Furey , president of the Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute

Niamh Furey, president of the Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute

Occupation: President of the Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute (INDI) and marketing manager for Fresenius Kabi Ireland.

Personal/family: Single

What other career might you have chosen? International spy or personal shopper to John Cusack.


If you could grant three wishes for the health service, what would they be? Elimination of waiting lists, improved disability and mental health services and better patient access to community dietetic services.

What is your greatest fear? My greatest fear is having regrets.

Have you ever been a patient and were you a good one? I have and I was an excellent one!

When or where are you happiest? There are so many things that make me happy so it would be hard to choose just one. When I'm with my family and friends. Or when I'm somewhere warm and sunny by the sea and I wake up feeling full of joy and having that rare, brief moment where I truly appreciate all the good things that surround us as opposed to all the negatives.

How do you cope with stress? I don't know if I'd use the word cope. I'm busy all the time and find that stress actually helps drive me forward even more. However, when it gets too much, as it occasionally does, I find a day in the spa and a nice, cold glass of white wine usually does the trick.

What is the trait you most admire in yourself? I admire most my determination and my easy-going nature. I don't lose my temper easily.

What is the trait you most dislike in yourself? Probably my inability to switch off after work. I can also be stubborn on occasion (or so it's been said).

Do you use alternative or complementary medicine or therapies? Well, I make sure I eat a healthy, balanced diet and believe this is one of the best complementary medicines one can use.

Who or what makes you laugh? So many things make me laugh. I don't take myself or life too seriously and find that every day is filled with humour.

What is your motto? I know it's not the most original but it would have to be carpe diem. I'm acutely aware that this life isn't a dress rehearsal so I try to remind myself every now and again to make the most of every moment, not to be afraid to try new things and to see the funny side of life.

What is your favourite TV or radio programme? I'm a bit of a Desperate Housewives fan - the shoes and the outfits are divine. Friends makes me giggle too.

What books would you bring to a desert island? Sebastian Faulks's Birdsong for the beautiful description, any Carl Hiaasen for the wicked humour and Paulo Coelho's The Devil and Miss Pry for the insight into human nature and modern life. I'd like to take more but I would have to leave room for my bikini and sarong.

(Interview by Fiona Tyrrell)