On the Couch

David McCleery, Chief specialist microbiologist for safefood - the Food Safety Promotion Board.

David McCleery, Chief specialist microbiologist for safefood - the Food Safety Promotion Board.


From Belfast, but recently relocated to Cork. Due to get married to Ciara at the end of August.

What figure from the world of medicine/health do you most admire?


The early pioneers of microbiology; these typically modest, unassuming individuals worked with primitive equipment yet made discoveries that form the basis of our work today. For example, Robert Koch in 1876 made the definitive association that a bacterium could cause disease - in this case anthrax - something that is still topical. Joseph Lister, in 1878, developed a method for isolating a pure culture of a bacterium, which is one of our first priorities when we want to characterise a micro-organism.

What other career might you have chosen?

A career in business - I grew up in a family food business and still feel drawn to the world of commerce.

If you were appointed Minister for Health, what would be your first priority?

Enhance the availability and level of community services for all.

Do you have a phobia/what is your greatest fear?

No phobias as far as I'm aware, although I'm not too fond of heights. I'm allergic to wasp stings, so getting stung is a real fear of mine.

Have you ever been a patient and were you a good one?

Yes, terrible - I'm told.

What three books would you bring to a desert island?

Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, Huxley's Brave New World and a botanical specimen reference book.

Have you a fail-safe method of dealing with stress?

Gardening - I become completely captivated in the activity and know of no other way to switch off completely from other things. Singing would be a close second - I sang first bass with Belfast Philharmonic Choir before moving to Cork.

What is your favourite TV or radio programme?

Documentaries - particularly those about science fact (although I'm very fond of science fiction as well) and gardening programmes.

If you did not live in Ireland, where would you choose to spend the rest of your life?

France - I worked there for a short while and found the French passion for food and its prominence in society enlightening.

Summarise yourself in 12 words.

Balanced, loyal, pragmatic, reflective, cautious, imaginative, perfectionist, considerate, analytical, stubborn, realistic, perceptive.

Do you use alternative medicine/therapies?

Yes - my fiancée is an occupational therapist and a reflexologist.

Who or what makes you laugh?

My friends and, I'm almost embarrassed to say, The Phil Silvers Show - Sergeant Bilko. Also the scene from Only Fools and Horses, when Delboy tries to act cool and leans back on the bar, but ends up falling through it, makes me laugh out loud every time.

(Interview by Dr Muiris Houston)