Pack aims to boost health literacy

Information drive: A new health literacy pack, which aims to improve knowledge and understanding of health issues among people…

Information drive: A new health literacy pack, which aims to improve knowledge and understanding of health issues among people with low literacy levels, has been published by the National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA).

The pack was produced as part of the NALA Health Literacy Project, funded by the Department of Health and Children, and is targeted at both literacy tutors and health promotion officers in the community.

It is estimated that approximately 25 per cent of the general adult population in Ireland have literacy problems and a growing number of studies indicate that there is a significant correlation between low literacy levels and poor health.

In the US, a new study by the Harvard School of Public Heath and the Educational Testing Service (ETS) indicates that literacy is one of the major factors that contribute to disparities in health status, access to care and the quality of healthcare for many individuals.


According to the National Health Promotion Strategy 2000-2005, poor literacy levels act as a barrier and limit access to health information and health services in Ireland.

"People with literacy problems will have problems in many different settings, in particular the healthcare setting," said NALA health and literacy project co-ordinator, Jennie Lynch.

"For example, many people with low literacy skills frequently have difficulties reading medical information, such as medical forms, information on medicine bottles, health promotion leaflets and even signs in hospitals; or they may lack the confidence to speak up and ask a health practitioner to elaborate when they don't understand something.

"A great danger arises from the embarrassment that can prevent people with literacy difficulties from seeking the treatment they need," Ms Lynch said.

Compiled over a 12-month period by Janet Kehelly, the newly published NALA Health Pack comprises four main chapters - being healthy; taking medication; filling out medical forms; and healthcare settings - and aims to develop core literacy skills including communication and decision-making skills within a healthcare setting. The pack will be distributed to health boards and VEC schools throughout the Republic over the coming weeks and will be integrated as part of ongoing literacy training programmes, delivered by tutors and community workers.

"As well as improving people's literacy skills in a healthcare setting, we hope that the pack will also help tutors to use the topic of health, which is such an important issue for everybody, to help develop people's overall literacy skills. Literacy tutors will also be able to incorporate this pack into a whole range of other family literacy courses, such as communications and lifestyle courses," she added.

For further information, contact NALA on 01-8554332 or visit