Parents warned unlicensed teething products may induce seizures

Some homeopathic tablets for children could have serious side effects, Irish medicines watchdog warns

The Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) has advised parents not to buy certain homeopathic tablets and gels which are marketed as a treatment for teething pains. Photograph: iStock

Parents have been warned that unlicensed homeopathic products for teething children may induce seizures and other “serious” side effects.

The Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) has advised parents not to buy certain homeopathic tablets and gels which are marketed as a treatment for teething pains.

The products in question are manufactured in the US. They are not retailed in Ireland but can be bought online, according to the State's drugs and medicines watchdog.

The public advisory comes following a warning from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that unlicensed homeopathic teething products may cause “serious” side effects including: seizures; difficulty breathing; muscle weakness; lethargy and constipation.


Any such products that have already been purchased should be disposed of, says the HPRA, and medical advice should be sought if a child is experiencing side-effects after ingestion.

It has also sought to clarify that the warnings do not apply to two homeopathic teething products currently for sale in Ireland: Teetha Teething Granules and Teetha Teething Gel, both of which are manufactured by Nelsons.

The Health Service Executive (HSE) advises that teething rings and cold drinks can be used to lessen the effects of teething pains, and parents can choose to administer painkilling medicine for infants in cases of excessive pain or raised temperature.