USI issues warning amid huge surge in syphilis cases

Students advised to get regular testing for sexually transmitted infections

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the spirochete bacterium

Students have been urged to look after their sexual health as HSE figures show a 22.1 per cent increase in syphilis rates.

Launching its Sexual Health Awareness Guide (Shag) week The Union of Students in Ireland said young people should get tested regularly for sexually transmitted infections.

The HSE report showing an increase of 22.1 per cent in syphilis infections highlighted a prevalence of the disease among males, with 24 men diagnosed for every one woman.

There was also an increase in Chlamydia with 70 more reported cases - there were 6,815 reported diagnoses in 2015, up from 6,693 in 2014. There were also 41 more reported cases of genital herpes in 2015 - a 3.3 per cent increase from 2014.


“We are urging students and young people to look after their sexual health,” USI president Annie Hoey said. “This means getting tested regularly and using condoms and dental dams to protect themselves from the risk of contracting an STI. Getting tested is quick, painless and usually free, at college health clinics, Gum clinics and sexual health clinics.”

There were almost five times the amount of reported cases of gonorrhoea in men (1,083) compared to women (221) in 2015, but there were almost three times the amount of reported genital herpes in women (928), compared to men (340).

The union, which represents 354,000 students across the island of Ireland, said early detection and treatment of STIs is vital to minimise the possibility of any long-term health damage.