Warnings about children using sunbeds in weeks before First Holy Communion

Legislation controlling tanning salons moves through Oireachtas

Under new legislation, children under the age of 18 will be banned from using tanning beds.

Parents have been urged not to bring their children to tanning salons in preparation for their First Holy Communion.

The Environmental Health Association of Ireland reiterated warnings about melanoma skin cancer and sunbed use this morning.

Speaking at the organisation’s ‘sunbed information day’, its chair Catriona Stack said some children as young as seven years were using tanning salons, a practice which she warned could lead to long term use.

“Using sun beds before their first holy communion could be the start of a lifelong habit,” she said.


The conference comes as legislation to restrict the use of sunbeds goes through the Oireachtas. Under the Public Health (Sunbeds) Bill, children under the age of 18 will be banned from using tanning salons and operators who allow anyone underage to use their facilities will face severe penalties including prison. The legislation will also ban salons from claiming sunbed use leads to health benefits .

Addressing the conference, Minister for Health James Reilly said melanoma is the most common type of skin cancer in Ireland and its rate is expected to increase.

“If people feel that [the new legislation] is more of the nanny state, then I point to the statistics,” he said, noting that more than 850 new cases of the cancer are diagnosed each year while it accounts for some 150 deaths annually. In 2011 more than 7,000 people suffered skin cancer.

“While many people with this skin condition are winning the fight, too many are losing it,” Dr Reilly said.

He added that education was “empowerment” and children should be made aware in school of the dangers of sunbed use. “When they are over 18 they can make their own decisions,” he said.

Earlier this month Fianna Fáil health spokesman Billy Kelleher welcomed the introduction of stricter controls around sunbed use and said the legislation should be passed before the start of First Holy Communion season.

Dan Griffin

Dan Griffin

Dan Griffin is an Irish Times journalist