'We need to tackle the clogging up of AEs'

ON THE COUCH: Vaughan Mason is a medic with the Dublin and Wicklow Mountain Rescue and is also a paramedic/firefighter with …

ON THE COUCH:Vaughan Mason is a medic with the Dublin and Wicklow Mountain Rescue and is also a paramedic/firefighter with Dublin fire brigade


Married to Lisa with a six-month-old baby, Daniel, and two mad collie dogs.

Which living person do you most admire and why?


I admire the English mountaineer Alan Hinks who has climbed a lot of the world’s 8,000m peaks.

I also admire a lot of the pre-hospital care providers I have worked with who have shared the value of their knowledge, experience and advice over the years.

What do you regard as the top three problems facing Ireland’s health system?

There is no real reward for efficient service.

We need dedicated centres of excellence for trauma, burns and stroke patients and finally we need to tackle the way that our AE departments are being clogged up with alcohol and drug-related cases.

What is your greatest extravagance?

Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc.

What is your most unhealthy habit?

I sometimes cook over-sized meat pies.

How do you relax?

I love watching movies with a glass of wine, but the best relaxation is a good walk in the mountains in the company of friends.

Who would you invite to your dream dinner party?

Stephen Fry, Jeremy Clarkson, Robert Fisk and Heidi Klum.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Good healthy sunshine and a contented family sailing around Milford Sound in New Zealand.

What trait do you most value in your friends?

Reliability and honesty.

What talent would you most like to have?

To play the guitar well.

Do you use alternative/ complementary medicines or therapies?


What is your earliest memory?

Being on the Wicklow Mountains with the heather in full bloom.

What is your most treasured possession?

My son Daniel.

What other career might you have chosen?

I did think about the army briefly, but I never really had a clear career path.

What books or films have inspired you?

Hammond Innes's adventure novels, even though they are a bit dated. I also really enjoyed the film Slumdog Millionairerecently.