'Healthy and well' quads are born to Cavan couple

A delighted Cavan couple are celebrating the birth of quads at the Rotunda Hospital in Dublin.

A delighted Cavan couple are celebrating the birth of quads at the Rotunda Hospital in Dublin.

Christmas arrived early for Gavin and Lukia Hartin with the arrival of two boys and two girls on Thursday. All four children are said to be "healthy and well".

The Hartins, who live in Lough Gowna, have declined to give media interviews or photographs.

Locals said yesterday they were delighted with the news and look forward to making the acquaintance of the quadruplets when they return home in the next few days. One local described it as a "babysitter's dream".


Flowers and gifts have been pouring into the hospital since Thursday. Already there is speculation as to when the children will make their first trip to Greece to visit the homeland of Lukia's father.

On average, just one set of quadruplets is born in Ireland each year. The Hartins will receive a gift of €635 from the Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs to mark the birth.

"They will also get special payments when they reach the ages of four and 12," said a spokesperson for the Department.

The monthly child benefit will be €1187.60 up until the children are 16 years of age, or up to 19 if they stay in full-time education.

Lukia (28) works with multinational telecommunications company Ericsson in Athlone. She makes a round trip of 90 miles to work each day.

"We are very happy for Lukia. She works in our verification department, and we look forward to greeting her when she gets back," said colleague Ms Leah Cullen.

The four babies will see the population of Lough Gowan rise by about 5 per cent.

The master of the Rotunda Hospital, Dr Michael Geary, said the hospital was satisfied with the progress of the infants.

"The quads are healthy and well, and we are very happy with how they are getting on," he said.

Dr Geary declined to reveal the babies' weights.