Heavy fighting rages with Macedonia rebels

Heavy fighting has raged between Macedonian government forces and ethnic Albanian rebels

Heavy fighting has raged between Macedonian government forces and ethnic Albanian rebels. Albanian guerrillas in nearby Serbia signed a pact to disarm and disband.

Tanks, artillery and combat helicopters were in action against insurgents in a cluster of villages in northeastern Macedonia held by rebels for nearly three weeks.

Battles were concentrated on Vakcince and Slupcane and return fire from the village of Vakcince was the heaviest reporters had witnessed in 18 days of fighting.

The minaret of the mosque was demolished and shells were exploding around it.


A guerrilla officer said by telephone there had been heavy shelling and helicopter attacks on Slupcane and Vakcince.

"Some houses are on fire," he said. "We have no casualties."

Smoke was rising from the direction of Slupcane, a heavily damaged guerrilla stronghold to the southwest. Hundreds of villagers are still in the basements of their homes - held there as human shields, according to the government.