Hedigan goes to European Court

Mr John Hedigan SC has been elected a judge of the European Court of Human Rights, writes Carol Coulter

Mr John Hedigan SC has been elected a judge of the European Court of Human Rights, writes Carol Coulter. He succeeds Mr Justice Brian Walsh.

Mr Hedigan was selected from a list of three nominees presented by the Irish Government. It is understood that the other two nominees were Mr Denis Vaughan Buckley SC and Mr Gerard Hogan SC.

The full-time post pays a taxfree annual salary of 1.1 million French francs (£130,000).

The operation of the European Court in Strasbourg has recently changed, as it has been merged with the European Commission on Human Rights. Previously the commission screened cases before they were heard by the court.


The election to membership of the court was carried out by the parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe, which is based in Strasbourg.

Mr Hedigan (49) is from Dublin. He attended the Catholic University School and Belvedere College and then worked his way around the world before studying law at Trinity College and the King's Inns. Since being called to the Bar in 1976 he has practised at every court level in the State.