Home of senior Republican searched over NI bank raid

The home of senior Belfast Republican Mr Eddie Copeland was searched today by police involved in the hunt to recover the stolen…

The home of senior Belfast Republican Mr Eddie Copeland was searched today by police involved in the hunt to recover the stolen £22 million Northern Bank cash.

They checked every room in his three-storey home and took away shoes and mobile phones and at one stage during the two hours inside opened 30 Christmas presents.

Mr Copeland said: "They had no reason to come here because I have nothing to fear and this to me looks like a politically-motivated operation. I had nothing to do with any robbery."

Earlier it was reported that PSNI officers raided several properties in North and West Belfast in connection with the robbery.


Teams of uniformed officers were called in as detectives intensified the hunt for the gang which pulled off one of the world's biggest cash raids.

The Christmas Eve searches of residential and commercial properties- in heavy rain - were ordered as it emerged the bank could consider changing its entire note issue to thwart attempts to shift some of the missing money over the counter.

Northern Ireland chief constable Hugh Orde is under intense pressure to catch the gang, and searches in West Belfast today confirmed a growing belief that republicans, some possibly linked to the IRA, were involved.

There were no immediate reports of arrests but detectives clearly believe they could be close to a major breakthrough.

Authoritative sources also confirmed that the bank's Australian owners may, at some stage, look to recall every Northern £5, £10, £20, £50 and £100 note in circulation in an unprecedented move to prevent the stolen cash being filtered into the economy.

Banking experts said such action might not be considered at such an early stage of the police inquiry but it is an option which could not be ruled out.

It would be a complex, difficult and seriously expensive operation taking a considerable time to complete.

But security sources revealed today that both police and the bank had discussed it. One source said: "It's the bank's call. It's out of police hands but it's something they may want to do at some stage."

A banking expert said: "A product recall and changing the entire note issue would be an extremely drastic course of action. Implementing it now would effectively mean the bank giving up on the chances of the money ever being recovered.

"But it still has to be an option."