Homeless girl broke into hostel

A homeless 15-year-old girl broke into a hostel used by the Eastern Health Board in an attempt to get a bed for the night, the…

A homeless 15-year-old girl broke into a hostel used by the Eastern Health Board in an attempt to get a bed for the night, the Juvenile Court in Dublin heard yesterday. The girl and her companion, a 17-year-old boy, were charged with trespass at the Belvedere Hostel, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, on October 1st.

Ms Corina Carrick, solicitor for the Eastern Health Board, attended court at the direction of Judge John McDonnell to explain why a girl in its care was homeless. She said the girl had twice absconded from hostels and gone to live with relatives in England.

Proceedings were initiated to have the relatives take responsibility, but on both occasions the girl returned to Ireland looking for accommodation. She had also absconded from care with a temporary foster family. The boy slept in Mountjoy Garda station for eight nights because no accommodation was available. He had been discharged from a hostel previously for "difficult behaviour".

Told both teenagers were on waiting lists for accommodation, Judge McDonnell said: "You would expect a responsible statutory body to take steps to increase the number of beds when there is increased demand". He remanded both defendants on bail to October 30th for directions from the DPP in relation to the charge.