Homeless man gets 12 years for attacking two women

A homeless English alcoholic has been jailed for 12 years for attacks on two north Dublin women.

A homeless English alcoholic has been jailed for 12 years for attacks on two north Dublin women.

Patrick Fogarty (43), of no fixed abode but with relatives in Tipperary, pleaded guilty at the Central Criminal Court to aggravated sexual assault, false imprisonment and assault causing harm to a woman in Malahide, on the nights of April 21st-22nd and April 24th-25th 2007.

The Wolverhampton-born man also admitted attacking a school teacher on Velvet Strand, Portmarnock on April 24th, 2007.

Detective Garda Brian Pentony told prosecuting counsel Martina Baxter BL, that Fogarty had British convictions for assault causing harm, possessing a blade, criminal damage and theft.

Mr Justice Paul Carney  directed that Fogarty's name be added to the register of sexual offenders and ordered that he undergo 10 years post-release supervision.

He also imposed concurrent sentences of seven years for the kidnap charge and four years on each of the assault charges.

Det Gda Pentony said the Malahide woman's ordeal began when she was woken on the night of April 21st-22nd after Fogarty came in, uninvited, to her residence with a dog. Fogarty repeatedly hit her over the head while sexually assaulting her.

The assault lasted all night. They left together the following morning and, when he jumped over a wall, she ran to a friend's house.

Det Garda Pentony said a 25-year-old teacher was walking along the beach at Portmarnock on the evening of April 24th, when Fogarty struck her with a glass bottle and tried to drag her into bushes.

He had her in a headlock with his hand over her mouth, but when she bit him, broke free and shouted. Fogarty ran along the beach to Malahide and his first victim's hut.

Det Garda Pentony said he tied the woman up and abused her all night. Every time she said no, he hit her over the head. When she said someone might come in the morning to check on her, he dragged her out into bushes, where he tied her up again. She escaped and ran to a Garda station.

Fogarty handed himself into Malahide Garda Station in November 2007.

Mr Ó Braonáin told Mr Justice Carney that Fogarty had inherited an alcohol problem from one of his parents and a psychiatric illness from the other.