Hopes of end to feud raised by leading loyalist

Hopes of an end to the feud among loyalist paramilitaries have been raised by a reported ceasefire.

Hopes of an end to the feud among loyalist paramilitaries have been raised by a reported ceasefire.

The north Belfast chairman of one of the political parties linked to the warring paramilitaries said the ceasefire would last until tomorrow, when he hoped a more permanent end to the conflict in the area could be found.

Mr Davy Mahood of the Ulster Democratic Party, which has links to the UDA/UFF, said: "At the moment we have a cessation of violence until Tuesday when the mediators that have been in place for a long time will move in."

Mr Billy Hutchinson, MLA for north Belfast and a member of the Progressive Unionist Party, aligned with the UVF, said he knew nothing of any peace talks as he had been away from Belfast.


Mr Mahood would not say who the mediators were but newspaper reports said members of the organisations in south-east Antrim began a process of dialogue which has now reached higher levels.

The renewed conflict between the paramilitaries has claimed four lives and came after a violent feud on the Shankill Road in west Belfast during the summer.

This left three men dead but was believed to be near resolution before the violence of last week.

It would be hoped that a resolution in north Belfast would clear the way for a similar agreement on the Shankill.

On Saturday a father of three, Mr Tommy English, was buried with paramilitary honours, and the funerals will take place today of Mr Bertie Rice and Mr Mark Quail.

Several hundred mourners attended Mr English's mother's home at Mervue Street in north Belfast for a private service. Among them were UDP members including Mr David Adams, Mr Mahood and the Belfast Deputy Mayor, Mr Frank McCoubrey.

A former leading member of the UDA, Mr English was shot dead on Tuesday night at his home in Newtownabbey.

Four masked UDA men dressed in paramilitary clothing flanked the coffin as the cortege made its way down North Queen Street. Mr English's remains were then taken to Carnmoney cemetery.

The funeral of Mr Rice (63) will take place at Roselawn Cemetery today. He was shot in the Tiger's Bay area of north Belfast on Tuesday, just hours before Mr English was shot. A former senior member of the UVF, Mr Rice had been working for the PUP.

His shooting was believed to be in reprisal for the murder of a UDA member, Mr David Greer (21), who was buried on Friday.

Also due to be buried tomorrow is a UVF member, Mr Mark Quail (26), who was killed at his home in Ballyronan Park in the loyalist Rathcoole estate on Wednesday night, less than 24 hours after the killing of Mr English. Both shootings have been blamed on the UDA. He will be buried in Carnmoney cemetery this morning. A fifth man is still seriously ill after being shot in the Oldpark area in the north of the city on Friday.