
Nature events and notices

Nature events and notices

Biodiversity celebrated

World Biodiversity Day on Saturday next will be marked in Ireland this year for the first time with a series of events organised by heritage officers in various local authorities. "World Biodiversity Day is an occasion for celebration of the special natural riches of the globe, and to highlight the importance of biodiversity for our survival," says Liam Lysaght of the Heritage Council which is co-funding many of the events.

Here's a sample of activities. In Glendalough, Co Wicklow, a guided walk and talk leaving from the Education Centre at 3 p.m. on Saturday and a talk by wildlife expert, Eanna Ní Lamhna at 6 p.m. on Saturday; in Westport, Co Mayo, coastal wildlife will be celebrated at Westport Leisure Park from 10 a.m. to 4.45 p.m. on Saturday; in Co Westmeath, conservation ranger Sylvia O'Hehir will explore the variety of wildlife in the midland lakes at 7.30 p.m. on Friday 21st in the Arts Centre Mullingar; in Co Clare, Dromore Woods is the venue for guided woodland walks, boat trips, storytelling and exhibitions from the Irish Wildlife Trust, Crann, the Shannon Regional Fisheries Board and the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group.


Contact the heritage officer in your local authority for details of activities in your county. See also www.heritagecouncil.ie

Cleaner and greener

"Irish businesses can simultaneously reduce their costs and protect the environment by introducing cleaner, greener practices," said Dr Mary Kelly, director of the Environmental Protection Agency, last week. Keen to push forward the message that environmental best practice and economic efficiency are intertwined, the EPA has just launched the second phase of its Cleaner, Greener Production Programme (CGPP) for industry. Together with the Irish Business and Employers Confederation, the EPA asks companies to look beyond managing environmental impacts and seek to prevent them from occurring. The EPA is offering grant aid to companies who submit proposals to the CGPP on or before August 6th. Last year, an average grant of 50,000 was awarded to 29 companies. Full details of projects undertaken in the first phase can be viewed on www.epa.ie.

Lamp post plea

Call it a publicity stunt if you will but a Green Party candidate for South Dublin County Council has pledged to leave lamp posts in the Terenure/Rathfarnham area in better condition following their hosting of his election posters. "Our lamp posts have gradually been clamped by an accumulation of old plastic ties," says Tony McDermott who is removing old ties as he puts up his own posters.

Know your herbs

Interested in growing your own herbs or creating a wildlife garden? Keen to have fresh organic vegetables all year round in polytunnels? If so, check out this year's programme of workshops at the Cottage Garden herb farm at Ballyconnell Lodge, Tullow, Co Carlow. The course tutors include well-known wildlife expert Paddy Madden and homeopath Eleanor Sutherland. Contacts: 059-9156312, info@cottagegardenherbs.ie. See also  www.cottagegardenherbs.ie