A collection of stories about the environment

A collection of stories about the environment

Clean up our act

The National Spring Clean, organised by An Taisce, runs throughout April. The initiative encourages community clean-ups in towns, villages and suburban areas from April 1st to 30th.

Groups and individuals who organise such clean-ups are helped promote their activities with posters, and given free clean-up kits.


The campaign, which is now in its eleventh year, also aims to galvanise recycling and re-use practices and to increase awareness of good waste management. See www.nationalspringclean.org or tel: 01-4002219 for more details.

Grouse watch

A guided hike on the Wicklow Way next Saturday aims to raise awareness of the declining numbers of red grouse in Ireland. The guide from the National Parks and Wildlife Service will discuss the protection and habitat-management programme on the four- to five-hour hike, which is suitable for those aged over 16.

Hiking boots, rain gear and a packed lunch are essential, as is booking. Tel: 0404-45656 (Monday to Friday) or 0404-45425 (Saturday and Sunday).

Village of the future

The house-building phase of Ireland’s first ecovillage in Cloughjordan, Co Tipperary is about to begin (left). The €5 million infrastructure on the 27-hectare site has been completed in preparation for building work on 130 homes. The low-energy homes will be powered by a solar and wood-fuelled community heating system. Pedestrian pathways will be lined with fruit and nut trees and 50 acres of land has been set aside for allotments, farming and woodland. The ecovillage will also have a sustainable living education centre, an eco-enterprise centre, a hostel for visitors and a broadband network for homes and offices. See thevillage.ie.


www.change.ie/earthhourirelandOpens in new window ]

Check out the impact of climate change on various parts of Ireland on this Government-sponsored site. You can also upload photos taken tonight, when lights will be turned off at 8.30pm to mark Earth Hour, a global gesture to signal support to prevent further global warming.
