Howard preyed on women and girls for decades

The list of crimes carried out by Co Laois man Robert Howard (61) over five decades was revealed today after a court order was…

The list of crimes carried out by Co Laois man Robert Howard (61) over five decades was revealed today after a court order was lifted.

1944 -Howard is born Wolfhill, Co Laois

1964 -Howard commits his first sexual offence, attempting to rape a six-year-old girl in London. He broke into the child's bedroom pretending to be a doctor and ordered her to undress.

Howard failed to have sex with her but performed a vile sex act, injuring the girl.


He was captured by police after returning to the house a week later. Sentenced just before his 21st birthday, he served just nine days in borstal for the crime.

March 1969 -Howard breaks into a house in north east England and tries to rape a young woman. She escaped his clutches and ran into the back garden, but was chased and knocked to the ground by Howard who then tried to strangle her.

He fled when neighbours were alerted by her screams. He was sentenced to six years in jail for attempted rape and aggravated burglary.

March 1974 -Jailed for 10 years after being convicted in Cork of raping a 58-year-old woman. The victim was asleep in bed when Howard broke in, gagged and bound her with a sheet and then subjected her to a five-hour ordeal of sexual assaults as well as being forced hand over money.

1983 -Howard marries, but the relationship lasts only three years.

1988 -Sentenced to 15 months in prison for larceny offences in Dublin.

1990 -Howard moves to Northern Ireland after being released from Mountjoy Prison in Dublin. Spends time at an alcoholism rehabilitation unit in Newry, Co Down, before going on to Derry.

1991 -The predator arrived in Castlederg, Co Tyrone, moving into a flat on the town's Main Street.

1993 -He lured a 16-year-old girl to the flat. She alleged that during a two-day nightmare Howard drugged, stripped and repeatedly raped her while a noose was tied round her neck.

Every time she refused, he tightened the rope round her throat and threatened to kill her unless she followed his orders, the girl claimed. His victim only managed to escape by breaking out through an upstairs bathroom window.

He claimed the teenager consented and was later convicted of the lesser charge of having unlawful sex with a girl under 17. Howard was given a three-year sentence, suspended for five years.

August 13, 1994 -While still charged with rape, Howard drove Arlene Arkinson to the seaside town of Bundoran, Co Donegal, for drinks with his girlfriend's daughter and her boyfriend.

August 14, 1994 -Howard dropped the couple off at the boyfriend's house, outside Castlederg, at around 2.30am. He drove off with Arlene and was the last person to see her alive. The 15-year-old's body has never been found.

September 1994 -Howard was arrested and questioned about Arlene's disappearance, but never charged. He was hounded out of Castlederg, moving to Co Donegal where he lives rough, sleeping in a van. He then spends some time in Cookstown, Co Tyrone.

At an undisclosed time Howard also held a woman in her 20s captive for several weeks. His attacks resulted in her becoming pregnant and she gave birth to his only known child.

March 1995 -He relocated to Scotland and was given a council home, just yards from two schools, after reportedly convincing officials he was a terrorist target. But he was hounded out of the Drumchapel area of Glasgow after his past was exposed by a newspaper.

1996/97 -Howard moved to London and then began living with a woman in Northfleet, Kent, who was later to unwittingly introduce him to 14-year-old Hannah Williams.

April 21, 2001 -Hannah Williams goes missing.

March 11, 2002 -Detective Chief Superintendent Norman Baxter re-opens the Arlene Arkinson murder case, with Howard his chief suspect.

March 15, 2002 -Hannah's body is found at a disused cement works in Northfleet, Kent.

May 17, 2002 -Howard is arrested for Hannah's murder.

May 19, 2002 -Appears before Medway magistrates in Kent charged with Hannah's murder.

May 24, 2002 -Appears before Enniskillen Magistrates' Court charged with the murder of Arlene Arkinson.

October 2003 -Jailed for life at Maidstone Crown Court for the murder of Hannah Williams.

June 27, 2005 -Howard is found not guilty at Belfast Crown Court of the murder of Arlene Arkinson.

September 20, 2005 -Outstanding sex charges against Howard are dropped at Belfast Crown Court.