HSE creates unit to urge GPs to make better use of cheaper generic drugs

A new medicines management unit is to be established within the Health Service Executive to help drive down the cost of commonly…

A new medicines management unit is to be established within the Health Service Executive to help drive down the cost of commonly used medicines.

The unit, whose establishment will be announced shortly, plans to write to all GPs to encourage the greater use of cheaper generic drugs when prescribing for patients.

The unit was part of a broader “architecture” aimed at driving down the prices of branded and prescription drugs in Ireland.

Other elements include recent agreements with pharmaceutical manufacturers and legislation on reference pricing which is currently before the Oireachtas. Numerous surveys have shown that drug prices in Ireland are higher than in many neighbouring countries.


The Sunday Business Post yesterday reported that the Irish health service is paying up to 24 times as much as the National Health Service in Britain for the same generic drugs despite the recent deal with generics manufacturers.

The HSE is paying €18 for the generic equivalent of the anti-cholesterol drug Lipitor, which came off patent last year. The NHS is paying €2 for the same generic drug.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.