Hundreds march in Dublin May Day Parade against austerity policy

March organised by Dublin Council of Trade Unions

Hundreds turned out to participate in the Dublin May Day march last night echoing the persistent theme of a reversal in European austerity policy.

Organised by the Dublin Council of Trade Unions (DCTU), the parade began in Parnell Square and carried on to Liberty Hall.

It was led by that figurehead of Irish workers, James Larkin, or at least an impersonation of him, standing atop a mobile pillar and calling on the disaffected to unite in the enduring struggle against incessant, punitive economic measures.

“The theme of our demonstration this year is austerity and also to note the fact that there is a savage attack taking place on workers everywhere,” said DCTU president Mick O’Reilly.


The crowd – estimated by gardaí to be in the region of 700 – was addressed by youth members of various trade unions and the National Women’s Council of Ireland.

Jack O'Connor, general president of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) joined the march and said the tide of protest was not anchored in the public sector alone but across the country and Europe.

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard is a reporter with The Irish Times