IAWS Co-op raises its NTR stake to 26%

The IAWS Co-op has increased its stake in utility National Toll Roads (NTR) by adding a further 6 per cent to take its share …

The IAWS Co-op has increased its stake in utility National Toll Roads (NTR) by adding a further 6 per cent to take its share of the utility of 26 per cent.

The co-op - which owns 10 per cent of listed consumer and agri-foods group IAWS but is a separate entity - now owns 6,247,250 shares in the company.

Today's announcement follows a series of purchases of NTR stock by the IAWS Co-op in recent months in which it has spent more than €100 million securing its stake.

At the start of this investment policy IAWS C o-op   said its strategy was to invest in companies likely to deliver shareholder value.


NTR operates a number of toll roads including the east and west links and owns waste management and environmental services company Greenstar.

NTR is also part of the Celtic Roads Group .