IBTS board to hold meetings with senior officials

The Irish Blood Transfusion Service last night decided to hold individual talks with three senior officials, about the decision…

The Irish Blood Transfusion Service last night decided to hold individual talks with three senior officials, about the decision to suspend the head of its regional director a fortnight ago.

The three officials - Dr Joan Power, regional director in Cork, Mr Martin Hayes, chief executive officer and Dr William Murphy, national medical director - are to meet with the board next week.

The aim of the talks is to "review the impact on the organisation of recent events", the board said after an unscheduled meeting last night.

It is understood the latest row in the IBTS came about when Dr Power refused to hand over files to Dr Murphy leading to her suspension by Mr Hynes. After a few days her suspension was overturned by the board.


With the ongoing row between the Cork and Dublin centres over single or dual site testing always in the background, the board are keen to sort out the latest problem before the start of the new inquiry.

Last week the Minister for Health and Children, Mr Martin confirmed he is to set up a new inquiry into the delay by the Blood Transfusion Service Board in informing at least 28 blood donors of positive test results for hepatitis C.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times